La PT de Benjamin Franklin

 À l'agenda en ce moment

Du vendredi 7 février à 8h au jeudi 6 mars à 8h : Devoir maison en Anglais

Keep up with the news > obligatoire

Résumé de texte is doomscrolling really rotting our brain? > obligatoire

Nouvel entraînement au sujet LVB > optionnel. Cf DM#4 dans le dossier DS/DM (documents à télécharger)

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Documents pour les DM

Keep up with the news

DM#3 pour le 3-03_Doom-scrolling_résumé_PT_TSI-2

DM#4_LVB_Critique traitement médiatique


What is an oligarchy? By Robert Reich

The Economist's view: The US is not becoming a tech oligarchy

Is Trump a fascist? by Robert Reich

Unit #5 - Is the US becoming an oligarchy? - Is history repeating itself?

Here are videos to know more about the Gilded Age (a period of immense social and industrial change in US history) and "robber barons" (the all-powerful industrialists of that time) and how it echoes with 21st century America.

The Gilded Age: When America became a Superpower

Robber Barons or Captains of Industry?

From Robber Barons to Bezos: Is History Repeating Itself?

Why some experts believe we’re living in a second Gilded Age

Useful video links - Unit #3 UK Smartphone Bill

What is Ofcom?

Misogyny - a real issue

Will the Online Safety Act Hold Tech Giants Accountable? (15 minutes)

Online Safety Bill becomes law - Here are three ways it could harm you (4 minutes)

Sales of dumb phones are on the rise (1 minute)

The Rise Of Dumb Phones (CNBC - 17 minutes)


Le colloscope :

Colloscope 2024-2025

Emploi du temps

Planning DS

Expressions for a commentary on the monarchy

The monarchy is a thing of the past

Lien pour les inscriptions aux oraux de SI et TIPE SI

Le fichier pour vous inscrire aux oraux de SI ou au passage de TIPE avec un prof de SI est disponible via ce lien

Application "todaii"

Application todaii à télécharger

Exemple d'article analysé avec version audio et focus sur les mots à retenir :

US Company Develops Cement-making Method that Reduces Carbon

6 minutes NPR podcast on Deepfakes and elections

How real is the threat of AI deepfakes in the 2024 election?

Food for thought!

Nuclear Weapons - podcast (8 minutes)

The toxic giants of Big Tech

A new era of moon missions

Winter holidays - video time!

Why are Republicans still supporting Donald Trump? | Anywhere But Washington (12 minutes)

How green is the energy revolution really? (20 minutes)

Is AI the future of movie-making? (6 minutes)

How AI is generating a revolution in entertainment (20 minutes)

Who is polluting the ocean with plastic? (16 minutes)

Longevity: can ageing be reversed? (16 minutes)

Is nuclear fusion the future of clean energy? (6 minutes)

Food for thought

On AI tools used by public services and biases

Deepsea mining - 3 minutes video by Le Monde

Faire travailler des humains plutôt que l’IA reste rentable dans la grande majorité des secteurs

The mind-boggling profits ($21.4 billion) made by TotalEnergies in 2023

Interesting articles you should read

Amazon France condamné à 32 millions d’euros d’amende par la Cnil pour « surveillance des salariés »

-> surveillance at work / big tech infringing on workers' privacy -> studied last year, still in the news.

Baromètre du sexisme : les stéréotypes de genre et les réflexes machistes empirent chez les jeunes

-> Sexism on the rise: a worrying societal trend (causes? consequences? solutions?) -> cf. Unit 1

Démographie : l'effondrement de la natalité touche de nombreux pays

-> Demography is a big topic for 2023-24 (8 billion humans - milestone reached in 2023 ; decline in fertility rates across the world - causes? consequences? solutions? Give it a thought! cf. synthesis on fertility

‘No one should have more than €10m’: the author of Limitarianism on why the super-rich need to level down radically

-> The ultra rich and the need to cap extreme wealth globally. Cf. unit 2 on consumerism and what we said about billionaires.


-> On billionaires and the future + collapsology. Cf. colle#1 (living forever) + read about preppers, survivalists, collapsologists...

Infographie. L’air des capitales mondiales est bien plus pollué qu’il ne le devrait

-> air pollution... It has been a topic for years - new highlights. Be aware; be informed.

Quand vous lisez un article en français, essayez de le passer, mentalement ou par écrit, en anglais.

Videos on energy storage and the future of energy

How A Brick & Rock Battery Is Changing Energy Storage

How the world's first sand battery stores green power - BBC News

How a sand battery could transform clean energy - BBC World Service

Can the world rely on renewable energy? | Future Earth | BBC News

How to fix clean energy’s storage problem

Can hydrogen help the world reach net zero? | FT Film

Food for thought

On billionaires:

441 vols en un an: le très lourd bilan des trajets en jets privés d'Elon Musk

Doomsday bunkers:

Mark Zuckerberg se prépare-t-il à la fin du monde dans sa nouvelle maison à Hawaï?

On a way to encourage people to practise sport:

A Chinese company is making its 100 workers run 2 miles every day if they want to get a better bonus

Focus on Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia)

How billionaires could change the world...

Patagonia founder donates entire company to fight climate change

Meet Yvon Chouinard: The billionaire who donated his entire company

Food for thought

Too much stuff: can we solve our addiction to consumerism?

Buy Less, Demand More, The impact of new - Patagonia

How A Vest Turned Patagonia Into A Billion-Dollar Brand

Meet Yvon Chouinard: The billionaire who donated his entire company (Patagonia)

Le yatch de Jeff Bezos

Liens anglais

Pour la colle :

French to get bonus to make do and mend clothes

Pour un débat en classe :

Écologie : des "dévendeurs", une incitation à la sobriété qui divise

Documents 'méthode' utiles pour la synthèse + liens utiles

Cf. dossier 'méthode LVA'

Un bon site pour réviser les mots de liaison (et réviser des points de grammaire : cours + exs) :

Rappels : Conjunctions, connecting words

Online exercises on connectors


Interesting podcasts and links:

Today in Focus (podcast)

The Economist podcasts