Documents à télécharger - Anglais

Anglais / Topic 10: Innovation

(doc, 31/07/2020, 31 ko) CC + Trad PCSI Transhumanisme

(doc, 08/06/2021, 39 ko) CC + Trad PCSI Transhumanisme (corrigé)

(doc, 31/07/2020, 29 ko) Robotics and being human

(MP4, 31/07/2020, 35 Mo) Self-Learning Robot

(MP4, 31/07/2020, 33 Mo) The Robot With a "Human" Body

(MP4, 31/07/2020, 34 Mo) This Japanese Robot Evolves Based on Its Surroundings

(doc, 31/07/2020, 39 ko) Yuval Noah Harari on Coronavirus