La PT de Benjamin Franklin

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Lundi 20 mai : Jour férié

Lundi de Pentecôte

Quelques liens utiles

Application "todaii"

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Exemple d'article analysé avec version audio et focus sur les mots à retenir :

US Company Develops Cement-making Method that Reduces Carbon

Calendrier Préparation à l'oral

6 minutes NPR podcast on Deepfakes and elections

How real is the threat of AI deepfakes in the 2024 election?

Food for thought!

Nuclear Weapons - podcast (8 minutes)

The toxic giants of Big Tech

A new era of moon missions

Winter holidays - video time!

Why are Republicans still supporting Donald Trump? | Anywhere But Washington (12 minutes)

How green is the energy revolution really? (20 minutes)

Is AI the future of movie-making? (6 minutes)

How AI is generating a revolution in entertainment (20 minutes)

Who is polluting the ocean with plastic? (16 minutes)

Longevity: can ageing be reversed? (16 minutes)

Is nuclear fusion the future of clean energy? (6 minutes)

Food for thought

On AI tools used by public services and biases

Deepsea mining - 3 minutes video by Le Monde

Faire travailler des humains plutôt que l’IA reste rentable dans la grande majorité des secteurs

The mind-boggling profits ($21.4 billion) made by TotalEnergies in 2023

Interesting articles you should read

Amazon France condamné à 32 millions d’euros d’amende par la Cnil pour « surveillance des salariés »

-> surveillance at work / big tech infringing on workers' privacy -> studied last year, still in the news.

Baromètre du sexisme : les stéréotypes de genre et les réflexes machistes empirent chez les jeunes

-> Sexism on the rise: a worrying societal trend (causes? consequences? solutions?) -> cf. Unit 1

Démographie : l'effondrement de la natalité touche de nombreux pays

-> Demography is a big topic for 2023-24 (8 billion humans - milestone reached in 2023 ; decline in fertility rates across the world - causes? consequences? solutions? Give it a thought! cf. synthesis on fertility

‘No one should have more than €10m’: the author of Limitarianism on why the super-rich need to level down radically

-> The ultra rich and the need to cap extreme wealth globally. Cf. unit 2 on consumerism and what we said about billionaires.


-> On billionaires and the future + collapsology. Cf. colle#1 (living forever) + read about preppers, survivalists, collapsologists...

Infographie. L’air des capitales mondiales est bien plus pollué qu’il ne le devrait

-> air pollution... It has been a topic for years - new highlights. Be aware; be informed.

Quand vous lisez un article en français, essayez de le passer, mentalement ou par écrit, en anglais.

Videos on energy storage and the future of energy

How A Brick & Rock Battery Is Changing Energy Storage

How the world's first sand battery stores green power - BBC News

How a sand battery could transform clean energy - BBC World Service

Can the world rely on renewable energy? | Future Earth | BBC News

How to fix clean energy’s storage problem

Can hydrogen help the world reach net zero? | FT Film

Food for thought

On billionaires:

441 vols en un an: le très lourd bilan des trajets en jets privés d'Elon Musk

Doomsday bunkers:

Mark Zuckerberg se prépare-t-il à la fin du monde dans sa nouvelle maison à Hawaï?

On a way to encourage people to practise sport:

A Chinese company is making its 100 workers run 2 miles every day if they want to get a better bonus

Focus on Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia)

How billionaires could change the world...

Patagonia founder donates entire company to fight climate change

Meet Yvon Chouinard: The billionaire who donated his entire company

Food for thought

Too much stuff: can we solve our addiction to consumerism?

Buy Less, Demand More, The impact of new - Patagonia

How A Vest Turned Patagonia Into A Billion-Dollar Brand

Meet Yvon Chouinard: The billionaire who donated his entire company (Patagonia)

Le yatch de Jeff Bezos

Liens anglais

Pour la colle :

French to get bonus to make do and mend clothes

Pour un débat en classe :

Écologie : des "dévendeurs", une incitation à la sobriété qui divise

Documents 'méthode' utiles pour la synthèse + liens utiles

Cf. dossier 'méthode LVA'

Un bon site pour réviser les mots de liaison (et réviser des points de grammaire : cours + exs) :

Rappels : Conjunctions, connecting words

Online exercises on connectors


Interesting podcasts and links:

Today in Focus (podcast)

The Economist podcasts